Saturday, November 12, 2011

What should I have done in this situation ?

Im thinking about this situation that happened years ago. I was at a nightclub in Dirtona and I got arrested for "tresping" I got in a fight inside a club and the bouncer pulled me off and carried me outside and threw me into a police officer. The officer then grabbed me and said I am under arrest and through me on the cop car. I was arrested for "tresping" i have red laws on this law and it is stated that "any attempt to re-enter the club" would have been considered the misdemeanor. I never was told to leave the premises? and the officers never gave me a chance to leave. The report says I tried to "resist" and tried to get back in. I've lost all respect for cops since this incident, I've always been a well balanced person. Until one helps me or my family in a situation I will continue to look down on you. I got a lawyer and everything was dropped, didnt have to go to court and expunged cause the prosecutor said she didn't have time to deal with it since I was a well balanced UNIVERSITY student. But my point is what should I have done other then not fight and why are cops so dumb? I did nothing against the law outside of the club. If the club wanted to charge me with something then it would be understood

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