Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's your opinion???

All bets are off, and no, I am not crazy. Tonight my BF and I were talking (as we often do) and she said that she is now realizing that the thing that I have been saying wholeheartedly for a year now, but sincerely for about 10 years, is true. So, what have I been saying? I don't like men, and they deserve it. Now, let me clarify....I love men. The physical beings defined by characteristics of masculinity, height, strength (again physical), baritone to b voice, short hair (or long on a select few), and barbered facial hair are delectable. To go one step further and make this more personal, if we add a complexion 1 or 2 shades darker than mines, make him 6'3", and give him a sense of humor, he might be a man right out of a dream I have quite often. But, the stuff that makes up the inside of these creations-of-God bewilders me and sometimes makes me nauseated. Life, unfortunately, as a child did not leave me with a positive male influence, but we are all human and I can appreciate the things that I have been through. I view them as stepping stones that built me up to who I am today. So, let us address that first, because I know a lot of people would love to say that my father must not have been there or he wasn't a real man for me to feel the way I do. Both may or may not be true, but both are also irrelevant. These facts may have distorted my thoughts as a child, but I am not a child anymore. I am a grown woman, and praise God for deliverance from my childhood. My status quo is purely based on my experiences as an adult in adult "relationships". Okay, so here's where I want to know if it's just me. Men are nearly worthless. They almost have no real reason for existence. My most solid piece of unbiased evidence is the fact that a woman is running for President of the United States. Now, Hillary may not win, but the fact that she is running, and running well, in a country where women were just given the right to vote (1920 for those who don't know) says a lot. Less politically correct arguments are the fact that women raise children, work and maintain households, cook, clean, pay bills, change tires, shovel snow, and take out trash by themselves. And, having a man and asking him to do these things usually leads to an argument, which no one has time for considering we have to keep the world turning. I truly have a low opinion of these people. Wait. That was an understatement. I feel as though the order of creation is a follows: God, Human, Animals & Plants, Dirt, Men, and Satan. No. Switch the last two around, because at least he realizes his destiny is to rot in hell. Okay, okay, okay....I am being really extra with the man hating, right? But for real, men are idiots. First of all they lie and cheat and think they will get away with it. Lying and cheating is a joke. Who makes you get into a committed relationship? No one. If you don't want to be in one, don't. You hurt people and lose your integrity. Real Men Don't Lie and Cheat because Lying and Cheating is the opposite of being REAL. Hellllooooooo! Secondly, is it just me, or are men shallow? Why do they base all their manhood on the performance of their or the appearance of their pocketbook (wallet for the new school generation, $paper$ for the kiddies)? Sir, please don't waste my time if it's not going to be good, but wipe that stupid smile off your face just because I called you "daddy". I just like saying it. It doesn't make you a man; it makes you fun (like a toy). As for that $50,000 car, it's a depreciating et. It is a bill. It lost a quarter of its value when you signed the purchase agreement. It takes gas, requires costly maintenance, has to be insured - MONTHLY, and will never pay for itself. Buy some property or start a business, and then "get yo swag on." I am so intrigued by the way these things operate. I wonder if they think. Honestly, I have no respect for men. They leave their families. They desert their children. They beat, cheat, burn (yes STD), and disrespect the women they say they love. They lead double lives like its normal. They gossip about and take plea bargains for the guys they claim are their "ni**as". They don't "man up" when times get hard; instead, they look for an easy way out. They blame the world when things don't go their way in love, family, education, career, finance, and the judicial system instead of accepting that life is not fair and working harder. They take advantage of innocence (and I am not referring to child molesters, they are sick, unless the shoe fits). They don't care about loyalty and trust. They kill their wives and then think it is a good idea to write books about it and go on dating shows (funny, but not "ha ha" funny). What kind of brain functions like that? Of course there are some embarring women who take these same behaviors and covet them as admirable, but the vast majority of my descriptions are male. So, is it just me? Now, I know some women love their man, and because of that, this may seem like I am bitter. I promise I am not. I would love to have a GOOD MAN. But, I am educated to this topic. I have known nearly every type of man in my life and have yet to not be disappointed. Am I innocent? No, not even close. I am not perfect, either. I have even legitimately hurt one (initials A.W. for anyone who thinks they know who I am talking about). But, this is not about me. This is about them. Men. Again, I love them. I really do, but am I happy being single? Yes, if these are my options or even possibilities of what I may end up with, yet again.

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