Saturday, November 5, 2011

Anything more gracious than dipping lousy host's toothbrush in his own (personalised) toilet bowl? Infection?

This host was so full of himself, a total snob. The fella invited us to a party and was'nt even home. The housekeeper and a coterie of servants opened the door and ushered us in. The butlers obviously were instructed to get us drunk in a secluded section of this fella's estate. When we all were full of alcohol and all kinds of roasted meats and cheese, Mr. Bigshot called on a videoscreen saying how sorry he was not to be there personally, then added "but I can see you all are having fun anyways." What does he think, we have nothing better to do than to see his ugly mug on a grainy screen wishing us happy intoxication from some distant locale in Palau or Macau? Man this was the height of being full of oneself. The dweeb even has a personalised toilet with golden handles and a faucet and dryer to wash and dry his hairy behind. Was I within the limits of etiquette to soak this fellas whale bone toothbrush in his own toilet bowl and then place it back in its holder? Any infection?

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