Thursday, November 10, 2011

Patient + Doctor Confidentiality Trouble For A Project?

I am doing a project in High-school about The Negative Effects of Neuroleptics with Schizophrenics and for my 'Product' which is like the project for example (you write a research paper about cats who stand on their front feet; your product would be a cat that you taught to stand on its front feet); is to find a person with Schizophrenia who would agree to undergo treatment without the use of medication of any kind and I would track how they improved and then compare it to the improvement of a patient undergoing treatment with medication. So pretty much it is a comparison of the two but I spoke of this with my mother and she said that if we did this with a doctor or someone in such a proffesion I might find myself having trouble with "Patient + Doctor Confidentiality". Does anybody have any advice about this or like give me a link to somewhere valid that I could read about PDC. I have already began my research paper so I do not want to pick a whole 'nother topic and it's one i'm really interested in so despite anyones negative thoughts on this I would really like some help.

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