Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The WatchTower Quotes from "The Catholic Encyclopedia"?

"The Catholic Encyclopedia: Revised and Updated" is the only one I have, and it's publishing date is 1987. Maybe a bit behind the times, sad to say. You should know that everyone else will use whatever ruse they can to attempt to disrupt a Roman Catholic. I even heard somewhere last week or so that the Catholic Church was ordaining women into the priesthood. Knowing (and hoping) that that was still not true, I read closer to find that it was a "Catholic Community" with some obvious "liberal" / corrupt background that was doing that and promo'ing it as the Roman Catholic Church doing such. I'm glad you're differentiating between the capital "C" and the lower case "c", just like people here to "God" and "god". God Bless you.

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