Sunday, November 6, 2011

I feel out-of-sync or detatched from my body?

This is really weird, I've never heard of anyone feeling like this before. But recently, I feel really detached from my body, like it's not me. This might sound really strange, but, like when I put on my outfit and makeup each day, it feels like I'm dressing up a doll. I'm not really aware of my movements either, the way I move is jerky and weird and sloppy, and I do things subconsciously, like slouch super low and like I can't relax. My mind has been a little foggy and I go cross eyed sometimes and it feels like I can't control my facial expressions. Not like can't control, like it has a mind of it's own, just like I have to focus really hard to try to keep my face normal and not weird and sloppy. It's really hard to explain. I feel like I'm disconnected and using a puppet. I say weird things and feel awkward around other people when making conversation. I've become obsessed with repeatedly fixing my hair, even though it's fine, like every five minutes. I have weird mood swings that make me really depressed or really happy that last for hours or even days. I feel really out of sync and weird, and it started a month or two ago. This has never happened to me before, and I'm really scared! What's wrong with me? Please help!

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