Friday, November 11, 2011

What type of migraine would this be considered?

I have severe adult migraines, diagnosed in 05. They progress terribly w/o any auras. I do NOT see spots, blurs, lights, etc. b4 the pain starts... I just get hit with a full blown migraine and then I'm in so much pain.... But.. lately when the pain starts, I have had extremely blurred vision, and i am seeing zig zaggy lines in front of my face... they appear to be shadows or extensions of objects, but closer to me..... if that makes any sense at all... anyone familiar with these symptoms? I have been on a LOT of migraine meds, so please don't suggest prescription medicine... i also have no more health ins. as of this past may, so don't suggest a doc. either. Please help, any remedies, relaxations, mage techniques, over the counter meds working for anyone??????????

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