Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fast automatic weapons?

what is the fastest firing handheld automatic weapon (not pistols, cause thats the glock 18) with the largest clip? cause ther are some drum clips that go to 71 rounds, 100 rounds, 120 rounds, 150, 200, and 250. im not talking about stuff like the m-60. (even though thats a nice weapon) or mini-guns, cause you pretty much cant carry those. i mean stuff like the mp-40 and the AK-74 (even though thats a pretty slow firing weapon compared to other weapons)

Suing Texas Department of Insurance?

Emplyees at Texas department of insurance here in Houston take bribes and lie to injured workers about insurance coverage to protect the employer and insurance company handling claim. The laws are being broken & filing a complaint thru the system is basically a waste of time. But I have settled with the insurance company but the attorneys at the office of attorney generals office in Texas filed a motion to dismiss because of the state having eleventh amendment immunity from plaintiff claims and also challenging jurisdiction by federal court. Do I have any options to challenge this?

Does he like me?

he was definately flirting with you, he probably likes you, but give him some time and let him make the first move. Give him hints.

Would it be better if there were no religion?

Nah because sadly most people cannot think for themselves. Many people need the guidance of religion. Yes, there has been a lot of terrible things because of god and religion, but there would be a lot more problems without them. Humans will always be human, and to be human means to be imperfect-so with or without religion/god people will always f**k things up. That's just the way it is.

Do you think this is a fun birthday party...?

ahaaahaa ii liikkee thee cakkee:) it sounds likee preetyyy funn..but kinda orignnall..but still gooodd! maybe get like one big thing you doo (if you doonntt alrreadyy havve onee)

You guys lookin forward to the Brooks and Dunn show, OR...?

Are you dreading "artists" like Taylor Sh*t and Rascal Flatts ruining great songs? I honestly don't know how I feel about Sugarland doing Red Dirt Road(I love the duo, but, I mean c'mon it's Brooks and Dunn!) , and I'm horrified to think of what Taylor Sh*t is probably going to forever destroy. How bout you guys?

I urgently need two poems by Bruce Dawe that explain the transformation of Australia?

I'm doing Bruce Dawe poetry for one of my english ignments and am following the theme of Australia transforming into a spiteful and disregarding country. You could even say that we are becoming Americanised. I was looking at the poem 'Americanised' by him but i can't really understand it clearly. PLEASE HELP!

What comprises most of the dry weight of human stool?

There's a lot of opportunity here for smart *ss answers but I'm being serious, what are the primary components of human stool? Sources would be helpful...

Kyle Busch had a Bad Day Again?

It's over! The championship hopes are over for Kyle Busch! a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXeh2X-19yg" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXeh2X-19…/a

Do you think that a real Democrat should challenge Obama in the primaries?

Obama is now a warmonger and it is quite obvious that he is bombing Libya to appeal to the warmongering reichwing mes....

For the love of God and the whole human race...someone please tell me who Rory Emerald & Kurt Cobain are?

Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the incredibly famous band Nirvana, in the 90's. He married Courtney Love and he is the father of her child, Frances Bean Cobain, who is now a teenager. Addicted to heroin, he committed suicide in 1994.Try watching the Nick Broomfield doentary "Kurt & Courtney," or the Charles Cross biography of Cobain titled "Heavier Than Heaven." It's a really sad story but you you've probably heard some of his more famous songs. Or if you haven't, you might like to try it.

Ok this for all the Boise St. skeptics.?

Ok I understand that they don't have the strongest schedule or play the toughest teams, but they do what's expected year after year and that's win football games. Now tell me something for all those that say they don't deserve their #5 ranking. What happens if Florida, Alabama, Texas and LSU have hiccups? If Boise St. runs the table, that's puts them at least #2 maybe even #1. Not likely, but possible. Now if that happened and they went to the National Championship and beat whoever was #1, does that end the doubts that Boise St. is not legitimate? Remember, it's not who you play, it's how you play. Remember that.

(uk) where can i find pop rock candy?

i'm looking for the candy that when you put it in your mouth it crackled, it used to be in a red bag with a wizard on the front. i've been looking for it but i can't find it anywhere, i dont know if maybe they've stopped making it or not. 10points to the person that tells me where i can buy it.

How do you byp a heater core in 2002 Chevy Impala?

The car has been overheating have had water in front penger side floor board. and some rattling behind dash kind of below where the defrost is. Have to keep putting water in it. Replacing the heater core is pricey so I need to know how to byp it for now or if you think something else might be wrong?

Can you review my story?

It could use a little editing and stuff but all together i think its really good, interesting story line, it sounds like something i would read. you should keep writing i'd love to read more.

Solving Right Triangles?

A right isosceles triangle has legs of length 12 cm. What is the length of its hypotenuse? I need the answer in simpliest radical form. Please Help!

In which way were the Chesapeak society and the Carolina socitey NOY alike?

these two south colonial south were alike in many ways. but how were they different? was it the % of black slaves in the labor force, the existence of towns as a focal point for social life, the existence of indentured servants in the labor force, their fears of a slave revolt, or their dependence on export crops?

Any good ideas for a sitcom?

for my media coursework ignment i'm creating my own situation comedy. any ideas? i'm having a creative drought, i guess.

What type of gradient looks better?

It depends on the whole design your are planning. But maybe blue to white is less offensive to the eye.

What is the difference between burgundy and auburn brown hair color?

I have bought two different hair colors to color my black hair and they are two different color so do you know the difference between the two and which one would really color my black hair. If you could help i would be so appreciative. Thanks;)

What's your opinion???

All bets are off, and no, I am not crazy. Tonight my BF and I were talking (as we often do) and she said that she is now realizing that the thing that I have been saying wholeheartedly for a year now, but sincerely for about 10 years, is true. So, what have I been saying? I don't like men, and they deserve it. Now, let me clarify....I love men. The physical beings defined by characteristics of masculinity, height, strength (again physical), baritone to b voice, short hair (or long on a select few), and barbered facial hair are delectable. To go one step further and make this more personal, if we add a complexion 1 or 2 shades darker than mines, make him 6'3", and give him a sense of humor, he might be a man right out of a dream I have quite often. But, the stuff that makes up the inside of these creations-of-God bewilders me and sometimes makes me nauseated. Life, unfortunately, as a child did not leave me with a positive male influence, but we are all human and I can appreciate the things that I have been through. I view them as stepping stones that built me up to who I am today. So, let us address that first, because I know a lot of people would love to say that my father must not have been there or he wasn't a real man for me to feel the way I do. Both may or may not be true, but both are also irrelevant. These facts may have distorted my thoughts as a child, but I am not a child anymore. I am a grown woman, and praise God for deliverance from my childhood. My status quo is purely based on my experiences as an adult in adult "relationships". Okay, so here's where I want to know if it's just me. Men are nearly worthless. They almost have no real reason for existence. My most solid piece of unbiased evidence is the fact that a woman is running for President of the United States. Now, Hillary may not win, but the fact that she is running, and running well, in a country where women were just given the right to vote (1920 for those who don't know) says a lot. Less politically correct arguments are the fact that women raise children, work and maintain households, cook, clean, pay bills, change tires, shovel snow, and take out trash by themselves. And, having a man and asking him to do these things usually leads to an argument, which no one has time for considering we have to keep the world turning. I truly have a low opinion of these people. Wait. That was an understatement. I feel as though the order of creation is a follows: God, Human, Animals & Plants, Dirt, Men, and Satan. No. Switch the last two around, because at least he realizes his destiny is to rot in hell. Okay, okay, okay....I am being really extra with the man hating, right? But for real, men are idiots. First of all they lie and cheat and think they will get away with it. Lying and cheating is a joke. Who makes you get into a committed relationship? No one. If you don't want to be in one, don't. You hurt people and lose your integrity. Real Men Don't Lie and Cheat because Lying and Cheating is the opposite of being REAL. Hellllooooooo! Secondly, is it just me, or are men shallow? Why do they base all their manhood on the performance of their or the appearance of their pocketbook (wallet for the new school generation, $paper$ for the kiddies)? Sir, please don't waste my time if it's not going to be good, but wipe that stupid smile off your face just because I called you "daddy". I just like saying it. It doesn't make you a man; it makes you fun (like a toy). As for that $50,000 car, it's a depreciating et. It is a bill. It lost a quarter of its value when you signed the purchase agreement. It takes gas, requires costly maintenance, has to be insured - MONTHLY, and will never pay for itself. Buy some property or start a business, and then "get yo swag on." I am so intrigued by the way these things operate. I wonder if they think. Honestly, I have no respect for men. They leave their families. They desert their children. They beat, cheat, burn (yes STD), and disrespect the women they say they love. They lead double lives like its normal. They gossip about and take plea bargains for the guys they claim are their "ni**as". They don't "man up" when times get hard; instead, they look for an easy way out. They blame the world when things don't go their way in love, family, education, career, finance, and the judicial system instead of accepting that life is not fair and working harder. They take advantage of innocence (and I am not referring to child molesters, they are sick, unless the shoe fits). They don't care about loyalty and trust. They kill their wives and then think it is a good idea to write books about it and go on dating shows (funny, but not "ha ha" funny). What kind of brain functions like that? Of course there are some embarring women who take these same behaviors and covet them as admirable, but the vast majority of my descriptions are male. So, is it just me? Now, I know some women love their man, and because of that, this may seem like I am bitter. I promise I am not. I would love to have a GOOD MAN. But, I am educated to this topic. I have known nearly every type of man in my life and have yet to not be disappointed. Am I innocent? No, not even close. I am not perfect, either. I have even legitimately hurt one (initials A.W. for anyone who thinks they know who I am talking about). But, this is not about me. This is about them. Men. Again, I love them. I really do, but am I happy being single? Yes, if these are my options or even possibilities of what I may end up with, yet again.

How do girls feel about this kind of stuff?

I smoke, drink, and steal from time to time. From my experience, girls my age (college) don't care about drinking (obvious right?). However, they tend to just label you as a terrible person if you smoke (not cigarettes, if you catch my drift) or steal. Granted, I know stealing is wrong, but I just find that some things are waaaay too overpriced to actually pay retail value for them. I'm just wondering what the ladies on Y!A have to say on the subject.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why is my bunny sick and what can i do?

get him checked out for vhd's lil flies can cause it its time dependant so take him to the vets immediately. if he's only 9 weeks hes still 2 young to be away from mum, its 9 weeks at the earliest point. maybe depressed???

Never owned a sugar glider.. Should I buy 2?

I heard it's cruel to buy just one because they need lots of interaction.. Should I buy two then? Or just one since I've had no past experience.

What is the blue teenage mutant ninja turtles name?

I would like to know because i got a ninja turtle bracelet and its the blue guy! And now i am the blue one

I dropped a slab of granite on my foot and its purple and gross, can I run tomorrow?

I dropped it right on the bone by my big toe. It turned purple and its all bruised too! I need to get a run in tomorrow though. Would it be safe? I can move my foot but it hurts a lot. I am icing it though and its elevated. Will it be safe to run?

Why jus Imus?. Why not everybody else?

If Doug Imus and his producer are being held accountable, then why not repremand the rappers and the mc's that do this same thing all the time? Why are their lyrics any different from what Imus said?

Ramadan: A Few Questions About The Hijab For Muslim Women?

. It is said that a believing Muslim woman who chooses to observe the dress code of Hijaab, is an intelligent woman who fully braces the religion of Islam and to please her Creator Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Have you ever spouted off your mouth to quick & then realized you were quick to react ?

dizz, yes!!! It happened when I thought my nephews had stolen some of my money. I just went off and accused them of ripping it off. Then I found it in my pants pocket I was wearing that day it was "supposedly" ripped off. Oops, overraction!!! So what I'll do to remedy the situation is give them some of the money they "supposedly" ripped off.

Why are many so-called Christians not purged of sin consciousness, still law imputing sin for the hell of it?

Is it because the ministers of Satan disguised as ministers of righteousness have taught them Christ is the mend of law, not the end of law; So they have not dismissed the schoolmaster that fails every student?

I Dropped My MP3 Player in Water. !! ?

Wipe all excess water, for the internal water, try putting it in your pocket and your body heat should dry it off pretty good.

Grooming Machines?? ?

That's such a lazy idea, grooming is just as important as a bonding experience as it is for cleaning

How would i remove the overseer from my bank account?

i opened a checking account about a month or two ago and my mother is the overseer. I'm thinking of moving out soon and i don't want her to have access to my account or freeze/close it to get me to move back. my question to you guys is how would i do that? can i do that? since it is my account, and we don't share any money at all she can just track my purchases, etc. my bank is BB&T if that helps, im sure different banks have different policies on this...

What are campbells soup twins names?

campbell soup kids or twins names are hard to come by ... wife says Don & Donna .... does anybody have verifiable answer?

What creates a person of wisdom? Can a child be wise by accident or is it a deeper subconscious process?

Is it a learning process? Some of the most important widely travelled people are not wise. Is it a wider intelligence?

Cauchy-Riemann equations?

They Cauchy-Riemann equations are ux (x,y) = vy (x,y) and uy (x,y) = -vx (x,y). Suppose that u and v have continuous derivatives of the first and second order on domain D and that u and v satisfy the Cacuhy-Riemann equations. Prove that u and v are both harmonic, i.e. they both satisfy the Laplace equation uxx + uyy = 0.

Julius Jones or Marion Barber?

This is the easiest fantasy question I've seen all season. Barber is a hundred times the RB Julius Jones is. Never bench the Barbarian.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What can I, and 3 other girls do at my Slumber Party?

When i have slumber parties...we usually (im 14 and still love to do these things) Play hide and seek in the dark which makes it so much more fun..you can always prank call people...lol play on any electronics...but yaa i dont really know..we usually just go with the flow...but anywaysss have FUNN :)

Fireman Question?

not all firemen drink!, hes just trying to make you feel thats its ok and that everyone does it, hes just trying to make himself feel better, thats sad he sounds like a loser and i've never met him.

Conservatives don't seem to know too much?

The typical conservative, say Doug Hoffman the Conservative Party congressional candidate or Senator John McCain, say that they want to reduce spending thereby reducing the deficit. When asked how they intend to do it, they say cutting pork barrel projects and earmarks. Out of the 3 trillion dollar budget, those combined account for 36 billion dollars. Cutting out all of those would have a small effect, and combined with the tax cuts that conservatives run on would only increase the deficit.

GEOLOGY101 question help?

Most basaltic intrusives rise along fractures in the crust, related to uplift, stretching of the crust and rifting. This is fairly typical in areas overlying a mantle plume, which may be a precursor to continental splitting and the formation of a spreading ridge. The rifting allows decompression melting in the mantle, and the magmas rise along the fractures as s, and spread laterally between the crustal layers to form sills, or erupt at the surface as basalts. Palisades is a sill, and the Watchung Basalts are surface flows.

Is the USA a Christian Nation?

too long to read, but no, its not. We are a nation founded by great men, many of whom were heavily inspired by Christian beliefs.These men had no interest in setting up a Theocracy. If they did, freedom of religion would be freedom of denomination, and men like Jefferson and Franklin probably wouldn't have rendered their services.

Non stop vomiting ? !?

Well baby the dr will give u meds for that but i go thou the same thing I'm 27 weeks and still vomiting n the heart burns omg that's another story .....The meds work but I hate the side effects

I want my shipping money back from FEDEX! please help!?

I ordered a birthday present for my boyfriend, they shipped it september 8th. I payed a little over 10 dollars for ground shipping (10 day shipping) It is now september 22 and NO PACKAGE! Fedex called me at 8 in the morning 4 days ago and i was unavailable, he left a voicemail saying that we have a package for you, but our driver cannot find your house. and to please call them back and im supposed to tell them the color of my house and some kind of landmark? i'm pretty sure they are supposed to find the house everytime, anyway, so i called that number back that he gave me, nobody picked up! from 8 in the morning the next day untill 5pm, nobody answered and I called the hotline and they told me it will either be shipped today or i can come pick it up from them. i want to know how to go about getting my shipping money back. his birthday was on the 18th.

Why do people ume that everyone affected by Asperger's shares same traits?

The common stereotype is that we have no social skills whatsoever. There are several variations within the official diagnosis. I don't have all the symptoms of Asperger's. I know how to lie with a straight face. It makes me feel uncomfortable on a visceral level, but I am quite capable. I do know how to read people somewhat. Maybe my interpersonal skills aren't as sharp as that of the average neurotypical, but that doesn't mean they're nonexistent. I served three-and-a-half years in the military living a double life pretending to be someone else. So I've literally been forced into a situation where I had my back against the wall and I had to adapt. Another stereotype is that we all have a fascination with trains. I know absolutely nothing about trains. I have a mild fixation on maglev trains, but that's because I'm obsessed with green energy. I know very little about astrophysics, too. I love astronomy, but math is not my forte. I'm not Rain Man, okay? My specialty is geography. I am quite the expert on geography; that's why I'm applying to graduate school for geography. I knew because I have a natural aptitude for geography, it would behoove me to choose that as my major. Because I know so much about other cultures, I chose anthropology as my minor. People ume that we're all math and science geniuses. I'm not. My best subjects were history and english. I'm left-handed, so I'm more of a creative individual rather than a systematic person. We're not all the same, and we're not aliens or animals, either. So why do so many people ume we have all the same traits?

Does the gaelic in scotland are the relatives of the gaelic in spain?

SeaumusMamanss states in "Story of the Irish Race" that the Celts that went to Ireland were in Spain for a period and then they went to Egypt and were there for about 100 years before going north to Ireland. He stated then some crossed over from Ireland to Scotland. I don't remember if he had any doentation in his book for this.

Harry Potter questions??

I have been reading through the Harry Potter books in the last month or so and I just finished Order of the Phoenix...LOVED it!! Although it seems like most of my questions have been answered thus far...why Harry can see into Voldemorts mind, why Voldemort couldn't kill him...etc. Of course I am going to keep going ...I am bout 50 pages into Half blood prince. But I was just wondering if there is still much to the story that I don't understand or if the next two books are just about killing Voldemort. Oh and please don't give away to much.

Shouldn't Cleveland just trade Lebron now and get it over with?

No, because they'll make a lot of money out of him until he decides to leave (Ticket sales, corporate sponsorship, merchandise etc.), not to mention they have a chance to go deep in to the playoffs this season and next while he's on their team.

Catalina Island Storage options?

Im going to catalina for 2nights in august. Im travelling from san Fran down to san diego so will have a large suitcase and im just wondering is their any storage facalities at the dock in newport beach to leave my case so i can just bring a small overnight bag with me. And if so how much it might cost. thanks

Just out of curiosity, why do people get high on glue, rubbing alcohol and hairspray?

I don't mind a bottle of wine occasionally or a few beers, but this sounds like trying to fry oneself in oil.

If you were going to be in Southern California what would you do...?

I'm going to be in North San Diego area for my Spring Break and also this summer. I'm 19 so where are the 18+ clubs? Any suggestions? Also for a few weekend trips where would be most fun? Sacramento, San Diego, LA, Anaheim, etc... I'm open to different all environments- party or relaxation! Also is Tijuana unsafe at the moment? I just need a general list of things to hit during my stay- keep in mind I am young and not rich haha. Thanks!

Question about the word "bloody"?

I'm not sure, but I think some Brits consider that swearing. To find out for sure, go to All Categories (or Home)>Travel> England. Then ask the question again. You'll get loads of answers! Good luck, hon! :)

What is the name of this tv mini series?

It starts with these people that are in a subway train car and there is a human species ending event. Their train crashes but there is an oxygen tank that explodes and freezes them all. When they wake up they are the only humans around. There is no bodies or people anywhere, and so they walk around the countryside trying to find out what happened. I think they do meet some people along the way. I thought the show took place in the UK, it may be a BBC mini series. It played in 1998/1999. That's all I can remember.

Could she have been interested?

Wow that was long haha. Im thinking that the girl may like you and is just awfully shy about that fact, she's told her mates and her mates want to help her get with you by giving you hints to ask her first, us girls decide to act on and off when we're not sure whether we should be flirty, funny, or just neutral with the guy we're talking to, especially if we have a crush on them. So basically, yes i think she may have liked you, and you should go for it, and i think yes her friend was trying to get you to confess to her because she's too shy to do it herself ^_^

Clic 80's or 90's song?

its a song i used to listen to wen i was a kid, its a kinda a dance song, it goes sumfn like... Saturday night... dum dee dum... oooooo baby... its been stuck in my mind 24-7 and a cant seem to get it ou, any help would be much appreciated! :)

How could racism and religious persecution throughout the world be halted or slowed down?

The greatest bulwark to intolerant action - to hate - is knowledge. Ignorance is the main cause of all hate, and we all know that ignorance and intolerance go hand in hand. Knowledge, and its practical application, effectively suppress that.

Navy still flying Libya missions / Does this surprise you or did you know?

all that "change" we where promised is just the same old crap we got before all the hope and change. don't hear about that anymore. wonder why.

Good books?

There is a pretty high wow factor "The Thing About Life Is That One Day You'll Be Dead" by David Shields. Don't be put off by the title. It's in part an owner's manual for your body, and in part a contemplation on mortality, and is very well-written.

Georgia personal injury lawyers?

Yes you have a medical malpractice case. But why haven't you retained an attorney who specializes in that type of case?

When withdrawing $$$ from 401K for 1st home purchase, is 10% penalty exemption capped at $10K?

I've got about $65K that I want to roll into an IRA and withdraw for a first time home purchase- unfortunately, it's the only way I can afford to buy in California. I want to avoid as much of the 10% pernalty for early withdrawl as I can. My plan administrator says the first-time home buyer exemption is only good on the first $10K of my withdrawl? True? Any other way to avoid penalty?

Should EHRC employees be allowed to stand for public office?

If the labour MP's are expert pig trufflers then the last people we need to stand as MP's are the parasites they hire for their useless "equal rights" bodies. I wouldn't allow them near public funds or the general public.



HELP effexor xr withdrawals!?

Dropped down gradually now day 7 without any. Getting worse, brain tremors, eye shakes, vomiting, anxious, worried, uneasy feeling, crying, little things gettting to me, seeing things, sweats, shakes, dropping things, falling over/ losing coordination. Up side have lost 2kg and am having glimmers of the old me. Do not want to go back on, or up dose gained a lot of weight and compacting injury pain. Any advice on how to get through? I'm trying relaxation, cold water and staying cool helps. Wish I knew about these withdrawals before I took my first. 3rd time trying to get off. THANKS appreciate any help advise.

Help with frech conjugate words?

I need the Je,Tu,il/elle,nous,vous,ils/elles. for these: se bres le dents...se bre les cheaux..s'habiller.. s'endormir.. se peigner and se maquiller

Ear drainage? no discharge from ear, it hurts, itchy and swollen throat, itchy eyes, runny nose.Sinus?allergy?

Everytime I blow my nose, my ear hurts. And I had difficulty sleeping last night because my ear was hurting and it feels as if fluid is draining into my throat. however no discharge from ear. I've used those for ear cleaning to try to clear my ear out but no fluid, only little dirt. the pain in my ear throbbed at one time... weird... right? my soft palate is irritated and my throat feels swollen, itches and it hurts. this started just yesterday morning. No i haven't been swimming, but i have been involved in a lot of talking, singing of high notes, little sleep about hrs in 48 hrs. No one that I know of has been sick around me. itchy eyes, inability to sleep due to pain. Is this sinus? allergies? something else? how to feel better? orange juice doesnt help does it?

Barbados - tans, sea and sun!?

have a look at this map a href="http://www.thebeachfrontclub.com/beach-hotels/caribbean/barbados/#d3-4" rel="nofollow"http://www.thebeachfrontclub.com/beach-h…/a it might help you find some nice places to stay in Barbados

Chest pain?

i have got a very heavy cold which has lasted 3 days so far. i got up this morning and my chest/back aches alot. coughing up green phlegm, hurts when i take a breath, i have had pneumonia in the past, i also have asthma what could be causing the pain? is it safe to wait till monday to go see the doctor?

Whos your fave singer?

Mine are, Boys Like Girls, Secondhand Serenade, Natasha Bedingfield, and Three Days Grace, oh and Green Day

Need Help In Eduction ..~~?

You do not need any degree to gain these certificates. I do however doubt if I understand your question fully. Can you give more facts?

Mixing friendship & business?=(...$8000 tax credit deadline looms, and friend thinks I should wait on her...?

something always goes wrong, if your friend wont hurry for the sake of your finances, find someone who will get the lead out.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why did Lupe Fiasco postpone Lasers?

I've been waiting for Lupe Fiasco's Lasers for months, and now I see the date was postponed to early 2010. I don't mind that much since he released Enemy of the State: A Love Story, which I'm listening to right now and lovin, and he will also release Friend of the People later this month. But does anyone know exactly why he postponed Lasers?

RES and Painted Turts for sale in brooklyn?

Sorry to hear of your situation. I hope someone emails you before you get a notice of violation for trying to sell here. You might try craigslist.org too (under community). Have an adult present when someone comes over to look at the turtles.

Are there legit products to help you p a hair follicle drug test?

I have permanently quit smoking cigaweed but it has only been about 2 1/2 weeks. I am looking for a job and I know the drug testing will probably be inevitable. I am pretty confident on how to p a urine test (lots & lots of water, cranberry juice, a little vinegar, and exercise) but don't have any idea if the company does the hair test. I don't even know if you can make yourself p it. Also, in case needed, I am 5'7" and 190 lbs. (yes I know there is more to love but we don't need to talk about that :) Thank you for any help.

Why is it that so recently people are becoming so obese?

Obesity is a multifaceted problem in this country. Life is increasingly sedentary....more people sitting at their computers than are out and about and excercising. Fast food....the rise in clinical depression...blaming the healthcare system is like blaming firefighters for not preventing an arsonist from doing his thing, and makes about as much sense. In many areas, it simply isn't safe to leave your house. There are a lot of reasons why the weight averages are climbing. Primarily, the blame has to rest with the individual, if you just must place blame anywhere. Each of us makes a conscious choice to overeat or not. Very few insurance companies will cover the cost of bariatric treatments, like gastral byp surgery....or physician supervised diets for that matter...you might blame them too. I would suggest that lobbying your government to force adequate healthcare coverage at an affordable price might be one way to be part of the solution, instead of just sitting and pointing your finger.

Do you know any good romantic medieval books?

The Sunne In Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman is fabulous. It's set during the English Wars of the Roses.

Why do I keep having scary dreams?

Well I keep having horrible dreams, sometimes they're really creepy and scary. And now, I'm scared to sleep at night and I get quite jumpy at night. The dream I had last night was about a hooded man in a dark cloak thing and he was trying to kill me...And I kept changing locations. One time I was at a shopping place, then Whitby, the park and then my home. And it was only me that could see him. Really strange, I was so freaked out. And sometimes I will think that there is someone or something in my room. So now, I have to sleep with my bedroom door slightly open...Which is really embarrasing because I'm 18 years old > . < Can someone help me, give me suggestions on how to stop this. Thanks ^^

Honestly, is myspace bad for Jehovah's Witnesses?

I think its great that JehW's are on myspace - anything they do to interact with the real world, is a positive thing. The truth, or access to it, are the main threats to Jehovah's witnesses.

Not sure what to do?

My boyfriend has pulled away from me, he's become distant with me due to work stress. He works full-time and during his free time during evenings, he looks for a new job. He has had few interviews, some near my city but he has not been accepted anywhere yet. He's still waiting for some answers. He is unhappy with his current job and hates it. he said hes not feeling good now. Last month I became very needy of him, which made him upset. I then realised that it makes things works talking about the relationship and blaming him he does not care. I am worrying about this and I am sad worrying that he is loosing interest in our relationship as he has not been attentive and I don't hear from him much? I am happy as he texted me a couple of days ago but today I asked him if we could meet up as we live an hour away from each other. He said that weekend he goes home to see his family. I asked him about the weekend after and he replied with " I don't know, we will see". What can I do?

Hi ppl, got prob in viewing some sites..?

hey,i'm unable to open few sites, whn i try it says "page cannot b displayed".where as these sites open in other computers correctly.i've got symantec anti virus in my system. n u think its preventing this?if so wat do i do? please help.

Who is better Conservative Fox News or Liberal CNN? Fox News holds on to Liberal Geraldo Rivera?

CNN is pretty bad. I've read a lot of their articles on their web site. There was one in which I wasn't even half way into reading it and had counted 10 negative things said about a Sharon Angle and not one negative thing said about Reid.

My 14 month old daughter is having major tantrums??

ignore her... i know you are concerned with her hurting herself, but the best thing to do is ignore... the more times your ignore her when she begins to tantrum them she will start to realize that the tantrums get no attention from mommy... my son started this around 11 months old.. the whole nine yards ,throwing himself down kicking ,screaming, i would literally walk out of the room, when i did that the tantrum was short lived .. he would get up as calm as could be and find me in the other room.. i would then ask him ,are you done?.. he is now 19 months and barely ever throws tantrums anymore.. and it will get easier once they have words to use.. you just need to be consistent.

Medicare--subsidizing adoption?

People get Medicaid if they have children not it they give them up. The adopters who take children can get istance from their state and that goes for foster children.

Does anyone want a 7 month old, brindle, mastiff/pit?

ok so i got this dog when i lived with my boyfriend but i had to leave his moms house so i moved in with my grandparents but my dog has gotten tobe to much for them. he's to active and gets protective when he's in my room. im starting school soon and i reallly wont have time to watch him. he's a beautiful loving dog. i just dont think he sees very well and thats why he growls when people step in my room when im in there. but he loves everyone. ive yet to come accross someone that he doesnt like. he's house trained and kennel trained. anybody feel they would want him? i have pictures. he's a great joy to have around. its hard to post this. please will anyone take him?

How did nobody notice Obama said he would unite the world in the name of Islam in his book?

Page 86: In Dreams from my Father. Obama said he would finish Malcolm's dream to Unite the World in the Name of Islam, he would look for leaders to help him accomplish this dream. Now they are working towards a caliphate and giving Muslim Brotherhood org who hates Israeli's and Americans the power to have a Caliphate. Same thing. Muslim Brotherhood is the ones Obama found to help him accomplish the Unite - Caliphate dream. He is also using the UNIONS, and other radical communist, marxist and socialist orgs to accomplish that dream- that's not their dream but his.

Is there a parallel between nazi germany ,feminism, himmler, and womens groups?

Yes. But feminism will soon die out. In Europe, Islam is already subjugating it and over here, the economy is the main focus and the middle plains and deep south are keeping the lazy northeasters and left coasties afloat.

I just gave all the kittens away and I'm crying, please help ='(?

Here was the story, about a month ago, while I was at work, my roommate went outside to get the mail and she found a box of kittens on the doorstep, and they were all very young, and crying for their mom and food. The previous owner even dropped off a letter on the doorstep saying that he can't take care of them, and asked if maybe we could keep them company until they are able to get adopted, because he just couldn't handle taking care of them for the next few weeks, and that all of those kittens were 3 weeks old at that time. Erin decided to take them in, since she doesn't wanna be cruel and just leave them to someone else. I got home from work to see kitten food, kitty litters, toys, etc. and finally, I saw Erin with 7 small kittens on her lap on her bed, feeding all of them kitten milk from the bottle, and I was shocked to see that, and I asked what happened, and she explained everything, and I said OK, but we can't keep them in here, but we have to take good care of it until they are 7 weeks old to give it away for adoption. But as those weeks went on, we both grew very attached to all of them, in the end, I was more attached to those kittens then my roommate has. I had names for those kittens. They were Tabitha, Zoey, Blue, Cinnamon, Rocky, Skyler, and Snow Angel. My favorite kitten was Snow Angel, those kittens were all so adorable, small, and very sweet. At one point, I wanted to keep one of them, but I couldn't. I already have a 10 year old dog and I couldn't afford to keep all of the kittens. It's very sad, but I just gotta do what's best for the kittens. So last week, once all of the kittens turned 7 weeks, I posted an ad on craigslist giving away kittens, with an adoption fee of $25. I never knew how fast they would all be gone to their new permanent homes. Oh man, as soon as that first person said she was coming to pick up one of them, me and my roommate said a tearful goodbye to the kittens, because one or more are gonna be in their new homes. And I cried, cried, and cried. I cried everytime if the kittens are given away. I could tell that the kittens are all gonna be loved in their new home for the rest of their lives, because their new owners loved, LOVED the kittens. I could just tell right there that it's genuine. I tried not to cry while the new owner is visiting their pet, but it's just so touching, and heartwarming that I broke down many times, but they just comforted me and told me its gonna be alright, that I will always check up on them and see how they're all doing. An hour ago, I just gave the last kitten away, which happens to be my favorite kitten, Snow Angel, to one of my closest friends, that lives a few blocks away from my apartment, I really miss those kittens. I do. I cried when I had to give all of them away and I'm still crying now. Erin hasn't cried that much since all the kittens were given away but now I'm still crying. I will always have them in my mind, and my heart, and no other animal (besides my dog) will ever touch my heart like these kittens had, and the fact that all of them went to great homes makes me feel even more sentimental. Please, how can I make myself feel better? ='(.

How can I improve my reading comprehension? For my Ged Test?

Hello I live in stockton, Ca and im going to take my Ged language arts reading. And I need a good score to p. I have read the Ged book already but not quite Got a good score. so what cles in stockton or How can I improve my reading comprehension so I can understand exactly what Im reading, Because when I read I have to read it once or twice or three times in order to understand a sentence. so please help me, Im having trouble comprehending what I read in pages and short story's. your answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

London sightseeing help : shud i go to thorpe park or alton towers ?

me and my two friends are planning to go to a theme park today...we are 25 yrs old...hope its not a kiddie place...looking for some thrills !! also is there any night safari in london ?


hey i have no idea but just wanted to answer you cause im from bridgnorth just up the road from you so just saying hi !!! how cool is that out of all the people on here i lve 10 mins from ya. oh and i hope they do go up if you want them too

My boyfriend knows my email address ,i dont know his?

is there any way can i find out what my boyfriend email address or to see if hes chatting with different women on the computer . i dont like the idea , he having my stuff . and myself not having his , also he s on hee all the time day and night .thats his job ,selling ebay, also he has the hots for young women and cameron diaz and any one young ...please help

MP3 to WAV converter?

i have a large mp3 to convert to wav, currently im using audacity to convert but i have to do all my songs 1 by 1, is there a program out there that will do all songs i want to WAV on the go? eg just highlight all songs then right click convert to wav or something like that lol

What is Rascal Flatts stage set up like for the Unstoppable tour?

I have floor seats in section BB at the Palace of Auburn Hills and am curious as to how their stage is setup. If it is similar to their last tour or what.

Is this another era of taxation without representation in the USA?

No we are represented but our representative do not really listen to us and we as a whole keep voting in the ones who lie the best

Has anyone been to the wb studios??

this summer, i really want to go to l.a. and get a tour of the wb studies, the gilmore girls set. i was wondering if anyone has been there, and if they had, details on it. Also, is there an actual tour that is just for gilmore girls, not all of the wb shows. since all i watch on wb is gilmore girls, i just thought it pointless to waste my time seeing all of the shows. Thanks in advance!!

How do i get a blues sound out of my guitar amp?

The first two answers are BS. I could give you a decent answer if you would provide the type of guitar and the pick ups in it. It would also REALLY help to know what KIND of amp you are using. Brand/Model....

What should I have done in this situation ?

Im thinking about this situation that happened years ago. I was at a nightclub in Dirtona and I got arrested for "tresping" I got in a fight inside a club and the bouncer pulled me off and carried me outside and threw me into a police officer. The officer then grabbed me and said I am under arrest and through me on the cop car. I was arrested for "tresping" i have red laws on this law and it is stated that "any attempt to re-enter the club" would have been considered the misdemeanor. I never was told to leave the premises? and the officers never gave me a chance to leave. The report says I tried to "resist" and tried to get back in. I've lost all respect for cops since this incident, I've always been a well balanced person. Until one helps me or my family in a situation I will continue to look down on you. I got a lawyer and everything was dropped, didnt have to go to court and expunged cause the prosecutor said she didn't have time to deal with it since I was a well balanced UNIVERSITY student. But my point is what should I have done other then not fight and why are cops so dumb? I did nothing against the law outside of the club. If the club wanted to charge me with something then it would be understood

Is he queer or just a pig or both?

He has not touched me in almost a year, we only had once. When I first meant him he went out of his way to look at other chicks and reallly stare.. I should have ran then. but i had low self esteem and thought he was the only one i could get. he has me help him with all his stuff, he drinks so I drive him around, he has no license... He listens to the dixie chicks and other female singers and sings along with the music. he only kisses me on lips quickly once in a while, he does hold my hand when we go to the strore, but not that often. He tells me he loves me, he brags me up to his cousin and friends that are in another state. There is no affection at home, he does not even sit next to me on the couch, he says when i lose weight he will touch me, everytime he finds out i am on a diet he runs out and buys ice cream, (my weakness) he drinks beer everyday a six pack and on the weekends two sixpacks, he does not shower or brush his teeth, so i dont want him touching me now anyhow, once a week he gets all shaved and showered before he goes to work, and is concerned about his looks then, and he seems like he is in a good mood, and there are only men there at work. iam stuck on a lease with him for a few more months and plan to be gone when its up, i do care about him, but he acts so strange, i cant help think hes gay. i may have some weight on me, but iam working on losing that, i have been told i am not a bad looking woman, i am so mad at myself for being fooled, i guess i just don't know how to pick men and i am sure there will be some of you out there, that will rub my face in it, guess i deserve that. I have asked him if he is gay and he said no, he looks at girls that are in their early twenties and younger and he is 57 years old, so what do you think. I know, run for the hills, right?

Do baseball players get paid.?

or is it just for fun like gaelic football,as its not really a (REAL) sport and is only played by kids in most countries,and if so are the palyers cled as proffessional??

Serious problems...can some one help?

You ALWAYS have a friend in God. He will NEVER desert you or turn His back on you. The only way He will leave, is if you leave him. It's never so bad that you cannot fix it. Suicide is NOT the way to go because you think its bad now!?!? see what the result of suicide is and you'll KNOW what bad is. Best of luck to you.

Why don't those lousy presidents (Bush/Cheny) think about what's good for America before vetoing everything?

When Repugs had the majority Bush did not veto anything. Since the Repugs lost the majority, Bush is being a cry baby and trying to keep Democrats from ping their agenda, in hopes to blame them in coming elections.

A Question About Dog Breeds?

Samoyeds and Huskies are both part of the Spitz or Nordic dog family. This group is characterized by a wolfish look, prick ears, tail curved over back, thick coat and an independent, energetic nature. The Nordic dogs originated in the Arctic regions of the world(Siberia, Canada, etc). So yes, these two breeds are related to each other.

Why does my pastor, like most pastors, have a really nice house and cars?

I just think that if God chose you to spread his word, you would be happy to have a room in the back of the church with a little kitchen and have a dependable car to get you around. Why do they need the big houses and cars with the nice shiny rims? If they were told they would have to live like I just mentioned in the small room and what not, how many of them would accept? for God

Am I Insane/Disturbed?

I love gorey cartoons like HTF and JTHM, but I wouldn't actually murder someone. However, sometimes I randomly will fiddle with sharp/dangerous objects (twirls knives, play with fire, etc.) I keep a calm complex, but sometimes I snap. On my last day in middle school, I was having daydreams of brutally murdering a bully. Please don't blame the cartoons, the daydreams actually occured more BEFORE I watched them. Sorry for the rant, I just want to know if these behaviors are normal.

I'd do anything , is it blatant advertising?

Is Andrew Loydd Webber getting hours and hours of free advertising on the BBC where none is allowed supposedly? Surely the other musical shows at other theatres should be getting the same amount of publicity. I pay my TV license so we don't have to have advertising on the BBC, I object to this blatant publicity for ALW, does anyone else agree?

Embarring naked or locker room moments?

i was in a fitness center locker room and i thought it was the men's but it wasn't and it seemed empty so i went in the first row of lockers and got undressed and i was about to put on my swim trunks but i had to go to the restroom so since i thought it was empty i walked over there naked and when i walked past the third row of lockers i noticed there was a 17-18 year old girl with out anything on the top half of her body and im 13 in 2 months and i have about a 3 inch at most when erect and she was a hot blonde girl with perfect and i looked and she just stared at my for about 20 seconds and then she started to laugh hysterically and pointed at my . well i hope you have some worse then this!

We own a Scion TC, and have a BABY...?

I currently own a Scion TC. The back seats are roomy but not when there is a car seat involved. With Aubree's Graco Snugride car seat behind the pengers side, it makes it nearly impossible for an adult to ride comfortably in the front. Are we going to have the same problem (or worse) when she is moved to the convertible car seat?

Where can I find a good pair of infant snow boots?

I'm shopping online and all I can find is a pair at payless, but they look like fashion boots, not waterproof play in the snow boots. My little girl is size four in infant sizes, not toddler, and we will be going sledding this November. Thanks for your help!

Friday, November 11, 2011

How can I be pregnant if I used protection.?


Should i eat when i get hungry?

I play badminton on Friday nights, Saturday nights, and Sunday mornings. On the nights i play, since its late and i just get off of cl after eating almost nothing on the day, i tend to grab a quick dinner. (two cups of rice, few pieces of meat about 2-3 ounces) and than i'm off to badminton for three hours. I dont get necessarily full but satisfied. I than rest for 20-30mins and play for three hours. After i'm done at around 10pm i get hungry again. Is it alright for me to eat this late?? Or eat again?

What color and type of shoe should I wear with my dress?

ohmygosh, thats gorgeous(: EXCELLENT taste. And I agree black mary jane pumps, but make SURE that they aren't grandma-ish, and are still tall. Make sure that you know how to walk the strut before you put them on at the wedding for the first time, maybe take them out. You don't want to be awkwardly walking around in shoes you can't pull off. Maybe you could even do a little velvet in it! Definitely avoid brown, you'll end up looking like the wedding is in November and it'll look stupid this time of year. If you wanted to avoid black, a creme or beige color would also suit well.

When will cables become obsolete?

When will cables become obsolete? When will things "go wireless" in most cases. Please any information is welcome. Particular interested in tv's, computers and the like but any and all information is welcome!! Thanks!!

What triggered the economic collapsed?

Economics 101, take it when you get a chance. Your fellow liberals insisted on banks making loans to people who couldn't afford the payments. Some of these financial institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were in bed with, had billions of dollars of these loans and knew that the were no good. They bundled these loans as good ets and sold them to other financial institutions. You can see what happened from there. Oh yeah, the guy who was running Freddie Mac became Obama's economic adviser. No wonder the economy is in a death spiral. Schools out.

Can you help me understand this dream?

whoa weird.. hmm.. i wouldnt say that you were thinking that you want to be gay.. i highly doubt that (sorry if that offended anybody) i would just say that your mind was exploring all of its possibilities.

Remington 700 models?

G'Day mate go for the sps varmint but if you want to walk around a lot they do get a bit top heavy so the sps might be the one you want.308 are very accurate gun.I own a .223 sps varmint fitted with a Burris 4 x 16 x 44 scope ballistic plex it is fantastic.It is important to have a good scope on it.cheers mate

Is Shaq a Muslim???????????????????????

I really don't think he is, but I saw a video on youtube that said he was. Is it true? And what about Michael Jackson, Akon, and Lupe Fiasco?

Is math and science the answer!?

Reality cannot be known. All we can do is fathom, create, describe, and evolve to the best of our abilities and comprehensions.

Help me withh the guyy please?

heyy, i like this guy and i wanna go out with him, but i dont no if i should make the first move. ive never had a real bf, but i really want one and i like this guy. should i ask him out? i dont wanna be rejected, and it kinda seems like he likes me so i need a guys help with thiss. thankss <3

What should I do here?

I completely understand where you're coming from. Most people are willing to settle for less than perfect. You (and I) suffer from perfectionism. All through school I was an overachiever, in advanced and gifted courses, putting so much stress on myself to be Perfect. After nearly suffering a breakdown after getting my B.A., I decided to take time off and confront my personality disorder head on. Speaking to a psychologist I realized that from the time I was very young my mother wanted me to be impressive, and I so wanted her to be proud of me. TO LOVE ME. She used to say "if you're going to do something, do it right, or not at all." I was impacted Psychologically by this. Now older and wiser, I realize that you must respect and Love Yourself, flaws and all. I have yet to go back for my Master's degree, and instead am writing a book I hope to get published. With my personality type this has been a much less stressful course to pursue. Having breakdowns and contemplating suicide is no way to live one's life. You need to have enough compion for yourself to reach out to anyone, put your False pride aside,and lay the armor down. It's difficult to do when you've worked so hard to make others believe you are perfect. But in REALITY there is no such thing. Drop your facade and get on with healing. The road before you will widen, I promise. And your life will fall into place. The winds of grace are blowing all the time. Raise your sails. Without UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for yourself, you will never be content or happy in any of your endeavors. Start at the beginning...It's not about the destination. IT IS ABOUT THE JOURNEY.

Curly hair question? Please help! 10 points!?

first off i love your hair and your so pretty but anyways I think it would make it easier for you to manage it I think it would look good and not make it more frizzy and if you straighten your hair at all it would be easier

How do you defrost a ge upright freezer?

I have a manual defrost ge freezer that was given to me - I have no manual on how to defrost it, If any one has any ideas - they would be greatly appreciated.

First or second person in a strategic plan?

When writing a strategic plan, should you use first person (i.e. "our company") or third person (i.e. "the company")?

What is an after-five dress?

I need to know what an after-five dress is. I have just been selected as a delegate for a state pageant and I need to know this. Plus, can you tell me what websites carry the best long evening gowns, prom dresses, or after-five pastel colored dress is? Please! Please! Please. I really need help with this. Where is the best site or store that carry adults or juniors 3/5 small. Please. Thanks

Did you hear that No deal was reached on Michigan revote?

I see no winner. The DNC made the rules and Michigan and Florida chose to break them. The VOTERS of those states lose.The candidates get no delegates, and so they lose.

Church or money?

ok i need money. i'm 17 and am paying for driving lessons and a car. i got offered a job at bhs and turned it down cus it was on a sunday and i like to go to church. did i do the right thing? my partner introduced me to it, and consequently my mum thinks he's brain washed me and i'm using it as an excuse to be lazy. :( i love going but is it right to put it on the back shelf for a while?

Why do people say Cena is not overrated, when he clearly is?

I've never heard of a person who holds a title for almost an entire year, gets beat up almost the entire match and somehow overcomes the odds and wins, rarely lets anyone hold the title longer than him, is always mentioned when someone talks about the WWE, and finsher that consists of a Fireman's Carry not being overrated. If you don't think Cena's overrated please do tell me why he's not.

What is the link between the compulsion to repeat trauma and avoidance of situations reminiscent of it?

Trauma reenactment theory is very interesting regarding . from what i remember its more about repeating the trauma "mentally" and harming yourself than it is about the situation. A lot of girls who are orally d end up with bulimia and the vomiting becomes symbolic to oral . you can't expose people to "situations" like you would if someone has a phobia. that sort of structured behaviour modification programme is not at all helpful for and trauma. the cognitive approach works much better.

What are teddy bear hamsters life expectancy?

I recently just dicovered my pet teddy bear hamster dead when i was going to give her food. Just about 10 minutes ago.... =( I would have had her for 2 years in january. When i bought her at the pet store, they did not tell me how old she was. Is it unusual for them to die that early? I did notice she got really fat (and I mean really fat) to the point where she would waddle. But people told me she was just storing away food cause it was winter, but she has not done that last winter. Could that be the case or was it just old age?

Who do you think I'm right for? 1-2-3-4?

5. the creepy janitor at your school who watches you at practice from a dark corner of the gym and has himself convinced he is going to marry you some day.

Legality of phone confiions in public high schools in the U.S.?

Searching the phone, is the only one that would be questionable. I had a law clinic case on this, and the JDR court here in Virginia ruled that the content of the phone was inadmissible to determine if the child was delinquent. In loco parentis would apply to stopping the disruption, and does not give the school the right to violate the 4th amendment.

What type of migraine would this be considered?

I have severe adult migraines, diagnosed in 05. They progress terribly w/o any auras. I do NOT see spots, blurs, lights, etc. b4 the pain starts... I just get hit with a full blown migraine and then I'm in so much pain.... But.. lately when the pain starts, I have had extremely blurred vision, and i am seeing zig zaggy lines in front of my face... they appear to be shadows or extensions of objects, but closer to me..... if that makes any sense at all... anyone familiar with these symptoms? I have been on a LOT of migraine meds, so please don't suggest prescription medicine... i also have no more health ins. as of this past may, so don't suggest a doc. either. Please help, any remedies, relaxations, mage techniques, over the counter meds working for anyone??????????

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Could he be checking for stomach cancer?

I was wondering if some one could tell me some thing. I had a scope of my stomach done on Weds. He said he did Multiple biopsies of lipoma. And biopsies of esophsgitis and gastritis. And he said one polyp was present. He said he sent these for multiple biopsies. Could this be a sign of stomach cancer that he is looking for? I was in the Hospital for very bad abdominal pains. Almost like gall bladder attacks again. Only I do not have a gall bladder. The CT was negative.ER DR admitted me for further testing. The next day the did and MRI. Negative. They wanted a scope done next. My GI DR said. I can do that in my office so I am releasing you. So I had the test. He also said that It looks like I have an infection around my stomach stapling. I am going crazy here. Thinking I may have cancer. Only I will not get the results until this WEDS. I had to wait 1 week. So scared. What do you think? Thanks Karen

Is forced heir suit between what two people?

FLafayette LA law suite forced heir suit case pending is for Alexandra Stewart and sister Dedra Stewart Mercantel. Will it go to the circuit of appeals before a decision is made? Any date set yet ?

What is this in my body ?

This "chilly,rushing but awesome ! " feeling i get through my blood.The most common way it happens is when the most dramatic scenes in the movie happens,i get so happy and that chilly feeling just comes 2 me.I'm not that dumb,I'm sure its Cortisol , but CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG,and I'm just worried about any risks i can get,since i Love watching movies !

What kind of transmission do I have?

I drive a 1994 Ford F-150, automatic with the overdrive swiched on/off with a on on the shifter. It is either a C4, C5, C6 ,AOD, or E4OD, but I have no Idea which one that means I have. I'm trying to adjust/fix my shift linkage and the repair manual has different sections for each type of automatic transmission.

Is this rude and would you be offended by this message?

If I was your mom, I wouldn't call them back. They haven't wanted to talk in all this time, to heck with them. If they called again and brought up the above, she needs to tell them where you work and what you do is your business, not theirs and do they expect everyone's name who works for this company be posted for all the world to see. Then end it....no need to get into a family feud about it. Don't worry what they think.....they are not worth it.

What is a good game i can get for ps3 that is 25-40 dollars? i have a gift card?

Hot games from a year ago fall into that category and I always say you can't miss with Fallout 3 - great fighting, cool, wide open environment, was Game of the year and the graphics still hold up.

Brides from Ukraine?

I live in the city of Bangalore in India. I am interested in a woman from Ukraine for marriage. I have tried many websites. But it is all confusing and much money is wasted. Please let me know the best method to contact the right ukraine woman for marriage?

I need some help with my hair, no volume, bad waves?

I have thick hair but I like to make it look even bigger. I use Fat Hair volumizing serum and it really works. I put it in my damp hair and then use a hair dryer, which also adds volume. use volumizing conditioner and shampoo, and a heat protectant as well in your hair if you use a hair dryer every day like I do. The hair dryer will also help make your hair straight.

What is a good date idea?

My boyfriend has had a really stressful week. I want to take him out for some fun and relaxation this weekend. What are some good options that he would like (not dinner and a movie though, we watch a lot of movies, so I would kind of like to do something different, and also not a picnic. We do that a lot too.) Thanks for the suggestions.

Please explain the meaning of the sentence to a person who only learns English as second language?

"she" is not discouraging someone who is devoted to their religion from preaching their religion to a paying guest who doesn't want to hear it.

Help! I REALLY need a REAL car persons help!!!?

My wheel was stolen off of my car last night. I have an alarm system but it didnt go off even after they dropped my car when they got the wheel off!! WHAT CAN I BUY SO AN ALARM GOES OFF IF THEY TRY TO COME BACK??? I heard I can buy something and put them on my lug nuts/wheel so that if someone tries that again an alarm goes off. Is this true?? If not what can I do? I feel so helpless!!!! :(

What good has GW Bush done for America in his term as president?

I've been looking for a GWB Report card that can tell me what he has been able to achieve for the American people, welfare education, health, cost of living, budget, deficit etc etc. Cant seem to find anything and I've been looking real hard.

Do you think trish stratus was a good wrestler or not?

some say she was a good wrestler and others say she was highly overrated and just a decent wrestler at best. i think she was overrated, but still a good wrestler. do you think she was good? on the same level as mickie james, melina, natalya, and gail kim?

Horse riding heavy on the bit. Advice?

He's just being lazy because he realizes the kimberwick makes him carry himself without leaning on you. Just either halt or go on a circle and lift your inside rein sharply and SIT UP. Don't let him pull him down with you. But if he's running off with you like that then go on a small circle until he stops. You can't let him get away with that stuff when he knows what he's supposed to be doing.

Anybody feel like a "secondary" friend?

i have a lot of friends. but i don't feel like i have one true best friend. kind of like i'm a fall back friend. like if something doesn't work out with their best friend, one of my friends will call me and be like, you wanna hang out soon? and then if i do hang out with one of my friends, i feel like the one thing on their mind is "i wish lindsey were here instead. or lexie. or amanda. or allison. or spencer." i'm just wondering if anyone else feels like they're in the same boat? or some advice about it.

I am wondering what type or brand of car seat to buy my 5 mth old son.?

You need to buy a convertible carseat that can be used rear and forward facing. Your son needs to be rear-facing until 20 pounds AND one year of age. Until then his neck and back muscles just aren't strong enough to handle being in a forward facing position (especially in the event of a collision). The two brands that I recommend most are anything Graco or Brittax. If you have a son that's especially tall and thin, go with the Brittax...it's more expensive, but it's worth it if you have a lengthy boy, because they're designed with the long-bodied in mind. If you're on a tight budget, go with Graco.

After a hysterectomy last year..?

i have one ovary left, and i dont want to do anything i feel blah and depressed and i dont feel like i can do the things i used to do, its like i cant cope with things any longer, its all i can do just to get my bills paid..or grocery shop..has anyone else had this problem?

Need to make some sort of Macro script in MS Office, Quick Help Please? Thanks?

Hi. I was wondering what would be the best way to go about this please - Basically need something where I enter peoples addresses (perhaps into a form or something), it sends them an email with the courier Track and Trace number, and then prints a packing slip. Thanks heaps! Not sure if theres a macro or something , best way to go about it? I know some VB6 hah.

Patient + Doctor Confidentiality Trouble For A Project?

I am doing a project in High-school about The Negative Effects of Neuroleptics with Schizophrenics and for my 'Product' which is like the project for example (you write a research paper about cats who stand on their front feet; your product would be a cat that you taught to stand on its front feet); is to find a person with Schizophrenia who would agree to undergo treatment without the use of medication of any kind and I would track how they improved and then compare it to the improvement of a patient undergoing treatment with medication. So pretty much it is a comparison of the two but I spoke of this with my mother and she said that if we did this with a doctor or someone in such a proffesion I might find myself having trouble with "Patient + Doctor Confidentiality". Does anybody have any advice about this or like give me a link to somewhere valid that I could read about PDC. I have already began my research paper so I do not want to pick a whole 'nother topic and it's one i'm really interested in so despite anyones negative thoughts on this I would really like some help.

Trying to do pin up girl photos?

For Christmas I cant afford to buy anything for my hubby, so I decided to do a pin up girl in pastels, and now I want to do some photos of myself as a pin up girl to add to the gift. I am pretty good at the make-up and hair and have the right type of clothes for it, but I need some help with taking the pictures of myself (without any help from anyone else). I have a good camera, and I know how to use the timer, but I am having a really hard time with getting good pictures. I am no good with lighting or posing or anything. Any one have somewhere I could go to learn more about this or any tips that would help?

What is she up to and how do i stop her?

Just tell her & her nephew bluntly that you're not interested b'coz once you say it that way it will solve your problem at once & you don't have any further tensions. If you keep quiet this way it will not solve your problem. Otherwise do something that will solve your problem once for all.

I like this guy. . what should I do in this situation..?

.Make every effort to gain his confidence.Pay him a nice compliment.Flirt,just get yourself noticed.Ask him for a contact number as you'd like to keep in touch

Who will remain undefeated after Round 3 in the AFL and Why?

the saints will continue there winning run for sure, the lions will outcl the power (port won last week due mostly to sloppy inside 50 entries, brisbane can not be expected to give them the game the same way) fremantle have more to play for in front of their home crowd so i tipped the upset

Can anyone describe the C-ration bread?

I'm trying to get a hold of my husband, he ate C-rations when in Grenada. I believe he's said the food isn't great, but not bad either. Get back to me later if you want and I'll ask him. He'll know.

Hmm a little confusion arises in this...?

Read the begining of Genesis, the Trinity was there, God said "Let us make man in OUR image".

How overweight do you have to be to stop menstrating?

I learned a couple of weeks ago that excess weight is not constantly due to excess body fat, a great deal of unwanted weight is just lying around in the pipes. I tried a brand new supplement that's taking the nation by storm, it flushes out the pipes. I do not comprehend how it does it, however I comprehend that I shed 17 lbs and 5 inches off of my tummy! There's a risk free trial at http://jawock.mydreamdiet.info

How can I improve my Fantasy Basketball Team?

You should package up Ford with someone. You should start JR Smith over Ford because he will get more minutes with Melo hurting. Oden is in a slump and is erratic drop him for some common people in the FA pool, Marc Gasol, Brook Lopez, or even Blatche. Barnes is actually pretty good. You need a player like Rudy Gay or Ron Artest.

Civil war question 14?

what were high ground confederates trying to take when they made a suicidal charge across a mile long open field on the third day of gettysburg?

Im having trouble picking which music to play on my Party Bustrip! Can you help?

i think its ok but only if the majority of the people on the bus are girls because they are all mostly the same kind of song. i don't think guys will like it as much unless they're drunk or the girls are really enjoying it.

My 4 cyl-2.4 liter engine burns how many liters per minute?

Or is it per hour or 30minutes when it's mesured to get the MPG range? how do techs register the amount of fuel used when in idle? And how many liters are in a gallon? I'm just curious, thanks.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Intellegent housewifes pllllllzzzzzzzzzz help me.........?

paalak ki sabzi kaise banaayen...... hamare pas aaloo nahi hai baki sab hai........ meri friend pahli baar banane ja rahi hai........... aur jaisi bhi banegi ham logon ko khani padegi..........

For Christ Believers: How does '...Christ in you the hope of glory...' translate, see details??

When I think of 'Christ in you the hope of glory' it gives me the sense that it is going to be worth it all in the end. I fail every day. I fall short of my calling every day. I struggle to live victoriously as a Christian; mostly because " I " keep getting in the way. 'Christ in me the hope of glory' brings encouragement to continue on in the faith when I don't feel like doing so. It reminds me who I belong to and the promise that God has given to those that are His.

Looking for the song title/artist of a early to mid ninties song about 5 brothers who got killed in war.?

song about true story of 5 brothers who go off to war and get killed. "we regret to inform you that all your son's have ped away, all five, five, five five, five..so change your blue star to gold..." enacted law that brothers can't be in same unit after this. thinking it was a pop/rock band who sang it-

What is a song about the greatness of childhood?

I am doing a project for school in which I need songs that correspond with themes from a book. (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn). The theme is that we loose a lot after childhood. Does anyone have any suggestions of songs, preferably a country song

Dermatologist not sure about ringworm?!?!?

Quality Essential Oils have anti-fungal properties that can be more effective than over-the-counter products; they're also safer around children. If I were to recommend something for this I would recommend Young Living Melrose oil blend. It has two types of Melaleuca, Rosemary and Clove Essential oils that all have antifungal, skin soothing properties. I use this oil on my daughter's eczema every day. You can apply it straight to the spot three times a day for about a week, and you should be able to conquer your problem. Please email me if you want some more information.

Unclaimed Funds Retrieval LLC in Irving Texas is indeed a scam!?

If you come across anybody from Unclaimed Funds Retrieval LLC in Irving, Texas who wants you to do business with them, do yourself the favor and head the other way.A guy named Carlos Correa came to see me because I foolishly scheduled an appointment and let him come to talk to me to my house. Big mistake. I smelled scam the minute he walked in the door, They asked for money up front. Don't get involved! I sure as heck didn’t, and you shouldn’t as well! A bit of research revealed the following: Unclaimed Funds Retrieval LLC, 1425 W Pioneer Dr # 246, Irving, TX 75062 was formed by this illegal immigrant Johel Amilcar Contreras in 2008. Some digging gave me a bit more information. It seems that this person emigrated from El Salvador about 13 years ago and worked as a telemarketer for several years before starting this scam of a company. So much for his years of experience in locating unclaimed funds! I also found out that they are known to be deceptive in their dealings and have many complaints against them for their practices. My best advice is to ignore anything you might get from these people because it will save you time and grief!!!

Motorcyle Licence in NSW?

Hey I have a Motorbike Thats not learner legal in nsw, is there anyway I can Get a exemption or anything to ride it?

Why do the racist republicans feel free to express blatant and disgusting racism now?

Obamas candidacy has certainly opened the floodgates to every ugly emotion and every hideous American in this country. I am hearing stuff that I thought was dead fifty years ago. Its like they feel free to say what stupid racist stuff they have been harboring in their dark repellent hearts for their lifetimes. Why now?

What distortion pedals do i need?

You should get good distortion out of that Spider amp if you turn up the gain nob. You might try that first. If not, the only distortion pedals in your price range are the Behringer distortion pedals. You can here what they sound like here ... a href="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=behringer+distortion&aq=0" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/results?search_qu…/a

Book recommendations?

You must read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It has fantasy, horror, suspense, and some of the most beautiful prose you will ever read.

Trying to install a new muffler, need help.?

now before u even attempt this-it is much cheaper to just take it to a muffler shop-they put mine on for twenty bucks-correctly


The new Nik-Nak packs proudly boast "50% less saturated fat...same great taste". What utter bollox! They've totally ruined the flavour and texture and should put the fat back in immediately! No one buys Nik-Naks to be healthy. I don't buy them as one of my 'five a day', although if I did the other 4 would be Skips, Quavers, Monster Munch and Frazzles.

DTV transition.... conspiracy?

What is the significance of February 17th, 2009? I have not been able to find any reasonable explanation for getting rid of og TV. I do, however, know that when og goes obsolete, and a crazy storm or something hits, we wont know what the efff is going on. Is this the government's way of shutting us out from something they dont want us to find out about... or their way of making SURE we all are able to see something. Im having a hard time finding anything about any of this....

The WatchTower Quotes from "The Catholic Encyclopedia"?

"The Catholic Encyclopedia: Revised and Updated" is the only one I have, and it's publishing date is 1987. Maybe a bit behind the times, sad to say. You should know that everyone else will use whatever ruse they can to attempt to disrupt a Roman Catholic. I even heard somewhere last week or so that the Catholic Church was ordaining women into the priesthood. Knowing (and hoping) that that was still not true, I read closer to find that it was a "Catholic Community" with some obvious "liberal" / corrupt background that was doing that and promo'ing it as the Roman Catholic Church doing such. I'm glad you're differentiating between the capital "C" and the lower case "c", just like people here to "God" and "god". God Bless you.

What is the gel in an ant formicarium made out of? what nuitrients are in it?

I want to fill up a fish tank with it and introduce some ants to it. I plan on using knox gelatin but i need to know what nutrients are in the gel, or where i can get some.

Is it implantation bleeding ?

Hormonal changes causing your period to start off strange. Take another test in about 5 days if the bleeding doesn't pick up.

I found a nude pictures of my sister in her laptop?!?

If your father beats her, that's as bad as what she's already doing. You need help from another member of your family that you trust who will be there when you tell your dad and insists that he not physically abuse her. She needs counseling, and if your father is beating his kids, he is breaking the law, and its no wonder your sister is acting out in this way. He needs to act like a human, a parent, and a real man, and get your family the help it needs instead of breaking the law himself and adding to your sisters problems. Find someone who can be there that you trust when you tell him, even if it's the police.

Is there anybody else who dislikes Crosby, that kinda hopes he gets well soon in a weird way?

As you all know, for various reasons which I won't get into now, Crosby and I mix like oil and water. One would think, I'd be glad to have him gone, and I'd hope to never see him again. On the contrary, for the sake of the sport, and our of respect for his ability, I hope everything goes well and he comes back sooner rather than later. I mean, I'm always ecstatic to see Crosby suffer as a result of losing, but not so much suffer due to injury. Also, I kind of miss rooting against him. It reminds me of when I used to watch the WWE when I was younger. It wasn't the good guys, but rather the great bad guys that kept me interested, the guys I didn't like. Besides, poaching the Penguins just isn't the same without him. Your thoughts on the Crosby injury?

The curse of the high ankle sprain continues?

Based on the Pens strong performance when Crosby was out of the line-up I think they have the confidence and talent to survive short term without him. That being said, I am not suggesting in any way, shape or form that they will be better off without him.

Do you have any helpful tips to share on fundraising - (car wash, bake goods & candy sale, raffles? Thank you

I have a lot of experience doing all sorts of fundraising and would be happy to share some tips and advice. But you haven't give a shred of information that would help me know what kind of fundraising you want to do. Try adding details: What's it for? Who is doing the fundraising? Where are you located (small town, city, rural)? What resources to you have (what people are available to help: kids? adults? parents? teachers? coaches? Do you have a location for fundraising activities, like a school or church?). What's your timeframe? When does it have to be done? What's your monetary goal? Any other goals? All of that would affect the advice I'd give.

Help me with my miserablelife..I need counseling?

The 1st 6 years of my life is just wonderful. I'm already 21 but I still have those wonderful memories as a 3 year old. I feel loved by my parents,my siblings and during those times I hear the neighbors saying I'm a cute child and that I'll be handsome once I grew up. On those 6 years I have lots of friends and playmates. everyone is nice to me. I learned to read at age 3, So I heared praises that I'll be a gifted child. Then things changed when my family moved to a new city. The people there are very different and rude. Kids are making fun of me and I've been bullied. All of my struggle started when I was 7. I have no friends at school and I was being a center of joke. My self esteem is more crumbled because my Brother always bully me when I'm home. Because he is jelous that he is not the youngest child. But I'm not spoiled because my mom make my life a miserable hell. She always nag at me night and day and say mean words. I have a brother named Gerald, he died 8 years before my birth and my mom always say if Gerald didnt die, I dont have to exist in this world and i'm sort of a cheap replacement. There are so many reasons why I was being picked on at school. I'm from a middle cl family and because I'm studying in a public school, Most of my clmates are from families below poverty line. Because of that they bully me because they think I'm a rich kid. There where kids acting like they where my friends but they just do that so they can eat the lunch prepared for me. I started to realize that I'm different from other kids because they think I'm weird and crazy. I have mannerisms typical kids dont do. I'm very hyperactive that there had been times I was being punished by the teachers. One teacher hits my head with a broom until it breaks into two. I'm also outcasted because I'm not Catholic and my Country, is a Catholic country. Unlike America The kid/teen who gets respect and popularity in school are the ones with the highest grades and I have terrible grades in math, I was always humiliated because of that. I tried to study hard but I think I have some learning disorder because until now I cant solve a simple arithmetic and I cant read the clock unless it's digital. My childhood is very terrible and I felt like I'm I'm a living a misery. At fifth Grade I discovered 3 pions of mine. Music, Martial arts and writting. My pion for music died because my mom dont want me to learn instruments but I still love singing. Then my pion for martial arts is not prospering because of money matters. At fifth grade there were people who said I have a great potential at writing so I pursue it. I'm writing poems, stories and songs. It fills my spirit and I love the people's reaction towards my works but my family dont give a damn. When i was on 5th Grade my life was a bit better because I have friends and my performance in school is good. But I'm back to hell at 6th Grade because I'm surrounded by kids smarter than me and they had treated me like a trash. My life is a bigger heck in highschool.I was turned into a fat insecure kid and I was always humiliated by the teachers.I've been discriminated at school because I'm not catholic and makes me more insecure. I was outcasted and I felt like the hedgehog who is never been hugged. My Highschool life is rouger when I became a Junior because Science became Mathematical and that is my weakness. I get to have 2 girlfriends during Highschool. My 1st one is ashamed that I'm her boyfriend while the other one makes me more insecure because she is an outcast like me. When I graduated Highschool, My Parents didnt support me for college. I tried taking up a computer vocational course because I found computers fun but it was a torture because Mathematical equations are back. I failed that course and it put me through more depresion. I got a scholarship to a course that i dont like and it's caregiving. I graduated recently but that course makes me feel more insecure because it's never been my dream to wash the s of elderly people. I get back to my 1st love which is writing. I posted some of my works in fictionpress.com. My poems get positive reviews but I lose motivation from finishing novels because all I have is negative reviews and it kills me. I always get this review: "Your plot and story is nice but your grammar sucked."

Which is a better place to raise a family - Denver-Boulder-Ft. Collins or Portland-Salem-Eugene?

Well, Ft Collins was named best city in the U.s. under 300,00 population...and it is in COLORADO...no better place.

I have no idea what this question is asking or how to do it please help?

Find the angle between the diagonal of a cube of side length 12 and the diagonal of one of its faces, so that the two diagonals have a common vertex. The angle should be measured in radians. (Hint: we may ume that the cube is in the first octant, the origin is one of its vertices, and both diagonals start at the origin.)

I promise to answer you question if you tell my if my short begging of a story is good! PLEASE!!!?

please can you tell me how you write so smoothly with detail. can you give me advice how to put detail but not go over board about it. oh by the way the begginign was awsome caint wait for more.

I have a pea size bump on my thi it was red now turning purple and getting sore any help?

i would have it checked out by a doctor soon, it could be a spider bite or an insect bite and cause harm... I got some on my legs this last summer and they were huge and hurt so bad, and I got medicine for them, good luck

Andrew bynum jersey?

i hav an authograph bynum jersey,& was wondering how much its worth now & the way he's playing he could easily average 20 pts 10 reb 2 blks in the coming years & can become the nex shaq. so how much do u tink it'll be worth then?

What exercises can I do to increase my speed?

I want to run faster, I am in shape however and seemed to reach my peak with my current workout regimen. Any suggestions?

What kind of clubs/activities should I join next year?

Try going to meetings for each of them to see what is a fit for you. See what fits into your schedule once you get your schedule. Often times, there is a time conflict. That will help narrow down options. Kudos for wanting to get involved!

What should i do about my school loan HELP!!!?

so i was young and dumb.... i went to school and had to take out a 7,000 loan unfortunately i had to leave school because my grandmother had an stroke. the school i went to only allowed a certain amount of absent days before your dropped from the school and i was dropped but my loan somehow was still pending at school there for i now owe the school money!! because the school has to pay back my loan uggh.. and now my grandmother is alot better lifes better i want to go back to school but im afraid the loan went into default and i have to pay it back maybe its on my credit...which i dont need especially since i plan on applying for another school nxt year and most likely i will need to take out another loan... i have no clue what to do...Any ideas???

I am depressed again. please help. please?

Don't feel like fifteen feel it as fifty. People are like you and me. They can't put us away and can't ignore us, Nobody can scare u when U are brave, so be brave and face the world with confidence and that's inside u

Wife Morning Sickness Help?

Ok....about 10 weeks in shes sick every day all day with nausea and blahness...She does the ginger ale and crackers before she gets outta bed, and when i go to lunch i always save he the ginger off my sushi ( i hate the stuff). Anyone have any ideas about what to help, she works a 60 hour week in real estate and wont take time off, she comes home at 8ish eats falls asleep and wakes up sick and nauseated..Should i tell her to take it easier or let her go and be happy and sick at work...and any tips to help her nausea as well :)

Do you think Michael Jordan was overrated?

hey man u got a point but common man u kno that jordan is not overated if anythin hes under rated. hes the hardest working basketball player. he wasnt born to play the game he didnt make his high school team and proved to the world hes the best.

What is wrong wih my knee!?

Okay, so im a cheerleader in eighth grade. I've had so many injuries! My left knee.has muscle loss and its side tracked. Lastnght at practice my.right knee stared hurting.it feels likebwhen I step to put pressure on it it will break like a wishbone! It shoots pain and is swolen.. got any ideas?

I have a 1974 Motoski Capri and it wont run.?

i need some suggestions on how to get my sled running i tried starting it it turned over so i put fuel directly into the carb. It starterd up but it was only runnin because of the gas in the carb and it ran for 4 seconds then died out. i no its not the fuel line cuz i just replaced it any ideas on wut it might be.

What is going on here (income tax help!)?

Having a balance due when your file a return and being audited are independent issues. You need to pay what you owe when you file your return.

Diversification for 401k, roth ira, and taxable accounts.?

The easiest thing for 401(k)s and IRAs is a target retirement date mutual fund. If you don't like those, consider a good low-cost balanced fund. For non-retirement investments, consider "tax-efficient" mutual funds or muni bonds.

John McCain will veto beer!?!?

a href="http://www.viralthis.com/156/mccain-will-veto-beer.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.viralthis.com/156/mccain-will…/a

Ok, so i shaved my hair not off completely no4 everyone tells me i look like a butch how should i repl

You could say, "darn, I was going for the Britney Spears look ..." or just tell them so what? Do they wanna buy you a wig or a hat? Christmas is coming ...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Canidae grain-free - opinions?

As a commercial dog food this brand is very popular. My dog has MCT, mast cell tumor, and I make his dog food myself with chicken and rice. I add carrots sometimes and green beans other times. That is it. He gets fish oil caps and an antihistimine, benadryl, to keep the histimine in his body at low levels. I am confident that he is not getting anything that would aggravate his condition.

I would like to know if a Gas conversion on a small hatch is worth it?

not worth it as already said the car is old (no offence!!) but gas is harder on an engine, higher temps etc. gas doesn't have the same amount of energy in it, so you need more of it (that doesn't make sense really but you follow my drift?), on a small car the gas will steal the engine power but you will also need a decent sized tank so it is partly useful, this has a lot of weight in it also which will weigh the car down creating more drag, making the engine work harder, using more fuel... its a big circle of things..

Could you read my poem and tell me if I managed to work in a comforting tone(s)?

Oh MY GOSH. THAT was poetry. Well written, full of meaning while still being a pretty piece. I wish i could write something as good as that.

How do I get the sticky poster putty off my walls?

The poster putty my daughter used is stuck to the drywall. Some of it came off easy but some is removing the paper.

Help me please! Is Ba3(po4)2 soluble in water?

You need to balance your equation. Also, everything is soluble, it just depends on how much. I think Ba3PO4 is only very slightly soluble, however, if only a teensy amount is being produced, it may be all dissolved and if you have any pH modifiers or buffers then it depends.

Awww cute puppy and kittys .?

who ever finds the cuiestest puppy and/or kitty pic. wins! as long as i don't hav to download the pic its ok.

Spiritually speaking, are there any girls who?

I love all the above mentioned bands. I like pizza, but I'll skip on the beer. Just drink whatever I don't :-P

Is medical marijuana legal in Ct? Does celiac sprue qualify, being so painful and deadly?

In the medical field, especial in Ct., it is unusually difficult to be diagnosed for food allergens. Having already graduated med school, many physicians feel that they don't need to re-educate. This is the sole reason I was left undiagnosed in thee longest recorded survived sprue, without diagnosis. While doing this I held a career in the soft field of drywall taping. The pains emanated by the sprue exceed that of ping kidney stones. I know. I was in full sprue for 22 years undiagnosed. I had every indicator and have all the records of the actual proof of sprue going back 5 years.Until last year, when an unexplained recurrence, barley devastated me financially to actually fight my way through the very simple diagnosis. Even the head of yale said he didn't think me to be a celiac. I even fought there to have the simple blood test of the HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 genetic modifier test. They even lost 2 of my 2 week times blood test. I went to a local hospital my wife worked in conjunction with, and the first time out and the first time back, my answer I had already knew was there. I was HLA DQ8 postive. The more active of the 2 modifiers in the New York area. This long term sprue left me with painful nerve damage that even the local doctors continue to deny it's existence. They all seem to furious to even learn the things right in front of their faces. I am continuing to do drywall thanks to my own volitions. I have found the cures to the disease my own doctors almost refuse to acknowledge. I have heard med maryjane help pain and mood swing. Is this true and does high pain qualify me with my malfunction? California and even universities know of my disconfort.Do you think our government so kind is to allow the fibromialgia suffering drywaller a mean to help him make it through the day? Is the only means of relief through addictive pain medicines and mind shrinking antidepressents? Or is Montel Williams an American , where I am not?

Why is the idea of a woman wanting equality paired with "bitterness"?

You bet it is a victim mentality screaming for attention. Sometime somewhere these people had lost a job opportunity or two to a career woman. It really is hard to admit that she was a lot more qualified for the position she was hired for, when you are a useless weakling. So, they express their pain in long-winded and senseless whines on behalf of possible depravity of all career females for taking away jobs from blameless and most deserving men. Doesn't their behavior remind you of a spoiled toddler crying for a favorite toy he/she lost?

Do you like Reykjavic, Iceland? What would it cost to fly there from Minneapolis?

I live in Minneapolis MN and I really want to visit iceland.. So opinions and any helful information... Thanks!

How do I write an e-mail to employers so that I get a response?

I'm looking for summer employment and volunteer opportunities in southern vt, western m, and eastern upstate new york that are related to art, like art centers, museums, etc. I want to sound professional and actually get replies back so how should I ask if they are offering any summer work? What can I do to get a start somewhere??

Why am I getting this error in Java?

Your + at the end of the line is a concatenation that implies another string object is right behind it. Instead you have a for loop. Either replace the plus sign with a semi-colon to end the line OR put a string after the plus to concatenate.

The name of an animated series?

I've been searching and asking around about this cartoon. Are you sure its from the 90s? The only thing I can find is the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy that deals with death but i'm sure that's not it.

What car would you buy if u would have $30.000?

I am going to buy a car but i dont know which one to get. I have few ideas like bmw , or infiniti m35 but those cars has millage. i like gti so i can get new fully loaded , but anyways what car ( fast, atractive ) u suggest me to get ?

Who else out there misses the glowing puck fox had back in the nineties?

idk, I grew up with that stuff, It'd be kinda kool to see it again I guess, but I'd probly get tired of it after a while like most people.

Custom Sweatpants.?

That's a problem with screen printing, it's really only economical to do several items. You could contact the art department at a local high school, trade school, or college. They even learn to do this in the Technical Education course in our middle school. If you only want letters (not a custom design) you can get that done at a local sporting-goods store; they put names etc. on back of jerseys. T-shirt shops do this work too.

Can you save money by not going to church?

You can pray to God anywhere.. you don't have to give money to the Church.. that is not the way God works. Man made religion has indeed perverted the truth of God and has made it in a way for them to cash in on him.. Christ said " For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." If you noticed Christ preached anywhere.. even did work on the sabbath causing an uproar.. going to church doesn't make one a christian such as one standing in their garage can make them a car.

HELP!!! Manning or Rodgers?

I really dont know who to start this week!!! Peyton Manning against Patriots or Aaron Rodgers against Dallas.

My brain is on tilt! HUGE Running back delema, HELP ME!!!!!?

OK, my head hurts thinking about this! I can play 3 running backs out of 4. This is for 900$ cash in the finals. Stephen Jackson, Brian Westbrook, Laddel Betts or Maurice Drew-Jones. I need a SOLID answer for the MONEY! Give it to me straight!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!

Need some help trying to decipher a world map which does not list the countries!?

The simplest thing to do is to google a world map on images.google.com and look for one similar in appearance. I could list the countries for you but that wouldn't help you much.

Austin N hates LSU more than he loves his beloved Trojans...Who Agrees with me?

Let's be real here.....Apu has enough children that he doesn't have to hire anybody else to work at the Kwik-E-Mart

Rabbitts spraying urine?

i have just aquired a buck rabbit and already have what i believe to be a doe, i let my doe out of her hutch this morning and she went around the back yard pooing and flicking urine all over the place and up against the hutch of the buck, and rubbing herself along any surface just like at cat, after 20 mins i put her into her cage and let out the buck, he did exactly the same thing, so my question is do i have two buck rabbits or is this normal behaviour? also would it be safe to put them together, not sure if either have been neutered,

HELP ASAP for Juicy couture private party! BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN TONIGHT!?

cute dress, id recommend curling your hair into perfect 1 1/2 inch barrel curls and glamorous or natural makeup. For glamorous makeup try the smoky eye and some natural colored lipstick. For natural makeup try a glimmery skin toned eyeshadow, red lipstick or natural colored and some blush! Have a great time, soundss like fun!!

Beginning of the book Frankenstein question?

What first made the Creature angry with Frankenstein? Was it in the beginning. when he was made? Could he even comprehend that he was created and such? Or was it later that he hated Frankenstein for making him different? Did he always hate Frankenstein and just never acted on it til there was no one else, or..?

Is there another recipe with ground beef like shepard's pie?

..bored with that .. and don't wanna make taco's .. or empanada's .. or meatloaf .. or meat.. or sloppy joes... or hamburgs.. or chili.. or stuffed peppers...

How much are 1963 Disney snowglobes worth?

I have 3 Disney snowglobes in pretty good conditon. All three wind up and play music. They're the It's A Small World one, a Winnie the Pooh Halloween one (one with Piglet and Pooh in center), and a Disney princesses one. They are all from 1963. Any help on figuring how much they're worth is appreciated. Thank you! :)

My ex simply wont leave me alone.?

After 14 months of going out he finally had it with me and said it was over, he didn't feel the same way anymore, we always kept fighting and that things weren't going to change. SO a few weeks later he messages me on myspace which a stupid comment on how I am supposably "changing" into something I said I'd never be mind you this is just because I dyed my hair black and blonde. He just had to tell me because he found it funny. Then a few days ago he comes up with this whole idea that I was cheating on him while we were going out. Never in my life would have I ever done that, and if it wasn't for him I think I'd still be going out with him. Except now Me and a friend of his has been hanging out alot lately, and that is whom he is accusing me of cheating with. He's nuts he sent me rude emails as to how I am a piece of **** and I deserve to die alone, ect. He's pyschotic, I am not kidding you. He says hes bringing it up now because I disrespected him, really? Why do you think hes brining it up it shouldn't even matter he is the one who broke up with me I just want him to leave me alone so I can continue on with my life, it sucks. We are going to have a conversation I guess too, but he keeps flaking out he can talk all this **** online yet he can't do it in person? why is this? I really am confused.

Should I cut my loses or just wait?

I meant a guy on a personals site. We finally got an opportunity to IM Wednesday night and actually ended up on the phone where we talked for hours. He seemed to like me and I think he is nice. Well the next morning I texted him and told him how I had a great time talking to him and he texted me back the same.. also saying that he couldn't wait to call that night. Well I waited and ended up texting him a couple of hours before he had to go to work (He works overnights as a nurse). He said he was going to call right before leaving, but the call never came. I happened to be online twice earlier today and said hello and both times he waited and then signed off. I decided not to text, IM or even call him again because I am getting the feeling that he is not interested or is playing games. When we spoke, he said he was interested and didn't want to play games. I am the type of person who cuts people out of my life if I feel that I am being lied to.What should I do wait or move on?

Monday, November 7, 2011

How do I sync an ipod formerly used on a PC I can no longer access to a mac?

You should be able to just plug it right into the Mac as long as it has iTunes. Of course, you won't have your old songs since they are on the old PC, that's why it's always a good idea to backup your library with disks.

What can I do to resume downloading images from the internet?

I can't save images from the computer cuz the 'file name' has changed to 'thumbnail' and the 'save as type' has changed to 'web form'. Formerly it was the file name of the image and the 'save as type' has a .jpg command or gif or png. What can I do to solve this ? I share my computer with someone.

I believe im around 6/7 weeks pregnant. How should my stomach look/feel?

i am feeling and looking very bloated and i am wondering if my stomach would neccesarily feel hard yet or just bloated like and still kinda squishy? I am a athletic/skinny girl and for sure am showing some. I am also mildly crampy. Does all this sound normal?

Cisco remote access setup?

I have configured a NAS for remote dialup access and it is working fine with local authentication on cisco AS5400, but cannot autheticate using remote radius. The problem is, the router and the radius are not communicating when NAS tries to send request to the radius, but can ping the radius from the router. Please help, what maybe the problem and how can I solve it? Thanx.

How Long Til The Pain Goes Away?

I had my gall bladder taken out on Thursday... It's Sunday now. And I'm still really sore. Can anyone tell me about how long it takes to get back to normal? I can't laugh or sneeze or cough... It hurts so bad!!! I can't bend over ot pick stuff up to clean my house and I have a 10 year old son with Cerebral Palsy, and a 5 month old baby. And I don't have too many people to help me. Any suggestions?!!

For knitters old and new: What are the pros and cons of 'throw' method vs 'pick' method?

I learned knitting fifty years ago from an older woman in the neighborhood and she taught me to carry the yarn in my left hand and "pick" the yarn for each new stitch ... while I never achieved journeyman status, I considered myself pretty good at scarves, mittens, hats, afghans, a sweater now and then. In the last couple of years I find myself in a lobby full of knitters each week as our children are in dance cl ... all of these other knitters "throw" the yarn. I finally got inspired to find my old needles and resurrect the old skill. Three hats, 8 pairs of mittens and four scarves since September, now I'm ready for some serious knitting. Are there advantages to the 'throw' method that would pay me to retrain my hands and brain; are there any knitters out there who still 'pick'; are there any who use the two methods interchangeably, and if so, are there times when one method is better than the other?

I want a deck rated, please rate, perferably after youve mocked it and used it.?

this is a bad version of a stall deck, you might as well make a plain P.A.C.M.A.N. deck, your deck is slow obviously, stalls only last for so long before getting destroyed, you barely have any good stalls or much stalls that you will get run overed, and at black rose at 3, destruction all around

What are the health benefits of cycling? ?

I've decided to start cycling since the weather is lovely at the moment which makes the gym a tad unappealing, so yesterday and today I cycled for around 90 mins over quite challenging terrain. What are the benefits of riding and what do you estimate my calories burned would be? (I'm 108 pounds)

Agricultural Revolution?

Can someone please tell me how the Agricultural Revolution led to developments in law because I need to write a paragraph on that. I would really appreciate it.

Russian and ukranian boys!!!!!!!!?

I was born in USA but my boyfriend was born in Ukraine but grew up in Russia. So he considers himself Russian. He is 30 years old and I am 21 years old. From my experience, Russian/Ukrainian men seem to want someone they can have fun with. They are gentlemanly and chivalrous and like to treat girls like young ladies. I advise dressing nicely and be very feminine. They are very sweet so they expect the same from the girl.

Got a new tattoo, want to make sure I'm doing the right thing?

Hey folks! i got my 1st tattoo on Sat, it looked beautiful. Its starting to peel and whatnot and I just want to make sure I'm doing this right. In the mornings, I gently wash it with mild soap and water and let it air dry. Then I put some lotion on it (no additives) and go to work. During the day, I wash my hands and put more lotion on if it seems to look dry. I only used the antibiotic ointment for a day or two because my skin puffed up and it looked nasty. I also use a mary kay product on it that keeps it smooth and doesnt itch. I'm not picking at it, but it is peeling and scabbed a little. This is okay right? I'm I doing all right?

Who composed the music for billy elliot the movie?

This brilliant new staging is an adaptation of one of the most adored British films of the last decade. The extraordinary movie written by Lee Hall, directed by Stephen Daldry and choreographed by Peter Darling, has been developed for the stage by the same multi-award winning creative team. The score has been composed by music legend Elton John, the most celebrated UK singer songwriter of the last 30 years.

My rottie has been misbehaving A LOT lately..?

She sounds bored and under-stimulated to me. If she's finding things to get into, she's not got enough to keep her busy. She's probably crying out for playtime, friends, and things to do.

Creative newsletter name?

I'm creating a newsletter for the Leighton Teen Center Summer Camp. I can't think of a creative, catchy enough name. Any ideas?

Is it safe to use a personal lubricant while pregnant? Like KY? If so, do you? What kind do you use?

Most women are different...if you were "super wet" before pregnancy you will msot liekly need a lubricant now, thats to the person who posted that ridiculous answer....Ky is actually recommended durign pregnancy bc saliva will increase the chancee of a bacterial infection.

How do I survive the rest of the year?

You have to be patient, as hard as it is. You are all they have to look up to. I'll admit, you don't deserve to be treated like that. I would say just be strong and don't let it get to you. That may be really hard, but you can do it! Don't give up no matter how hard things get.

Gender Studies: What do you think of this?

Who sent that e-mail? Rowdy? Why doesn't he have the guts to post this question on the gender studies board where everyone can see it instead of resorting to private e-mails like a coward?

The gl menagerie?

Does any1 know the authors style: tone, figurative language, ironic devices, syntax,and diction? please i need help.

Why do Christians think they're a persecuted minority? (Please read more)?

Reminds me in the 2000 election, then-Governor Bush was asked, "Who is your favorite philosopher?" and he responded, "Jesus," to wild applause.

What you think about gw??

I think it's just like the ice age, or the formation of land forms. Global warming is nothing more than the melting of ice caps because the weather is getting hotter. And the sea lvels will rise and people think we're all going to die. HA.